Here you get all the Information about NALA in Tanzania.
I introduce you to the Artists and you see the development
of the artworks incl. studio shots and much more.
If you want to see other Artworks from the Tanzanian Artists, just go to " featured Artists " on the right navigation or follow this link: featured artists
Thank you
Yours NALA.
Studioshots from the Tinga Tinga Art Community and Nafasi Art Space
while Artists busy with NALA Artworks.
New NALA´s for Sale in limited edition, made by André Pilz, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
NALA and the Bajaj
These little fellows are typical of Tanzania. This even operating at full steam over curbs and footpaths. Nala found the small pothole visitors very cute, so here is for you the little devils
Size: approx 50 cm x 40 cm
Material: Acrylic on Canvas
Frame: no
Price: 150 Euro plus postage fee
See more designs below. The order number you see when you click the photo.
Those Artworks which are upside down are Sold.
11 of 18 available ( 5 SOLD )
Photos from the 2nd NALA exhibition in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 6.September 2014
2nd NALA Exhibition:
Saturday 6th September 2014 from 16h00 ( 4pm )
at NAFASI art space, Mikocheni Light Industrial area
Eyasi Road, Plot 41
You will see NALA artworks from Tanzania,
( perhaps Malawi and Zambia ) and you get all Info's
about the NALA / SADE project.
You will see a slideshow from the bicycle trip
from Cape Town to Dar es Salaam
and you can enjoy delicious snacks from the cash bar.
Free entrance ( but a donation is appreciated :-)
NALA's latest dress from CUBA.
Hola amigos.
NALA consiguió otro vestido de ensueño absoluto.
En esta ocasión se trata de una “Bata Cubana”, un traje tradicional cubano.
La artista Jehannie Cardoso Leyva de Guanabo, CUBA lo cosió mágicamente con gran atención al detalle y dedicación. Resultó maravilloso y a NALA le encanta.
Gracias, Jehannie, por esta asombroso obra maestra.
Hello friends.
NALA has received another absolute dream dress. This time it is a "Bata Cubana", a traditional Cuban costume.
The artist Jehannie Cardoso Leyva from Guanabo, CUBA sewed it magically with great attention to detail and dedication. It turned out wonderful and NALA loves it.
Thank you, Jehannie, for this amazing masterpiece.
Hello friends, today I would like to introduce you to another NALA work of art, painted by the artist Chucho Reyes Roméu from Havana, Cuba.
NALA loves chickens more than anything, and that's why she picked out a very special, fancy specimen that she can even ride.
Hey, hey,... the chicken express is galloping over hill and dale, getting faster and faster. Where the journey will take us will be revealed later, so check back soon. Until then, have a nice week. See you soon, your NALA
NALA ART Booklet ready for Download
The NALA ART Booklet is now available as PDF File for download. Selected Artists show amazing NALA Artworks from southern and east Africa.
El folleto NALA ART ahora está disponible como archivo PDF para descargar. Los artistas seleccionados muestran increíbles obras de arte de NALA del sur y este de África.
I am currently in Kassel, Germany
Cycled kilometer total for the NALA Project: 17.425 km
Cycled Countries: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,
Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Cuba, Ecuador.
People from 185 Countries, 51 US States and 12 Canadian Provinces visited this website.
Latest new countries who visited this website: Sierra Leone, Georgia, Ecuadorial Guinea, Suriname, Papua New Guinea,